Get started with ALDI Solar

What happens next?

Step 1:
Enter your details including your home address.
Step 2:
An instant property assessment we be conducted and confirm if the ALDI Solar system is suitable for your home.
Step 3:
Secure your system with a $500 refundable deposit.
Step 4:
A personalised Solar Design Report will be created for your home.
The ALDI Solar team will design a solar panel layout to optimise performance on your home, and produce a report that will also include your estimated energy savings and payback period.
Step 5:
You will be required to make final payment for you system.
Step 6:
ALDI Solar qualified installers will contact you to arrange a convenient date and time for installation.
In the interim, you will need to take a few photos of your switchboard and in some cases your most recent electricity bill.
Don’t worry, the ALDI Solar portal conveniently guides you through taking photos of your electrical switchboard and surrounding area.

It is recommended to use a mobile device to complete the steps in this portal.

If you're already signed up, head over to the login page.